Special Deputy Rod Johnson
McKean County Sheriff's Office
Special Deputy since 2003
Handling Bloodhounds since 2000 for:
Mountaineer Search and Rescue
McKean County Sheriff’s Dept.
McKean County Sheriff’s Dept. Dive and Rescue 2005
Member of:
National Police Bloodhound Association
Mountaineer Search and Rescue
McKean County Special Ops. Group; Alpha Team
McKean County Sheriff’s Dept.
Virginia Bloodhound Search and Rescue
National Police Bloodhound Association
Virginia Bloodhound Search and Rescue
*** Has worked cases for local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies ***
*** Trained and handled 2 personal hounds ***
*** EMT Pa. Cert. since 1988 ***
***Fire Fighter - Port Allegany Fire Dept. since 1976 ***
*** Forest fire Specialist - Pa. DCNR since 1976 ***